Sunday, July 20, 2008

This is... What Makes Me Happy

Being 'Ma' (Thats what Charlie calls me, it's never been mum), to this awsome little being, no explaination needed I don't think!!
Thank you to One Little Acorn for this weeks theme and to Anglea from Three Buttons for hosting This Is

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All things lovely...

I just opened my email and was greeted by a lovely email from a ladie's blog that I have just started to read, I won't go into to much but I have asked her if I could mention this and she said it was fine... I stummbled across her blog by accident about a week ago and read post were it seemed she was very down about a few things that I could relate to, so I sent her an email to let her know that I was thinking of her and if there was anything that I could do...

Today i recieved a lovely email from her that melted my heart, and I thought how marvellous it is, that we can develop such strong feelings about our fellow bloggers. i now for certain that there is a few blogs that I read and know that I am developing great friendships with the authors. Just something I thought I would share, and to all my blog readers I thought that i would say I really do enjoy reading your blogs!!

Looking forward to the Weekend

Oh, I have had a lovely day today trying to fiqure out the bugs with my new website for Charlie Rabbit. It is becoming quite frustrating!!

Anyway, on a better note we are going away on the weekend to Launceston which should be relaxing. Staying with Jase's mum and planning to do a little (I promise) bit of shopping!! Can't wait!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm a lucky chicken!!

My partner Jase got back today from visiting his mum in Launceston for the weekend and came bearing gifts that he had actually picked out himself... Mr. C got a Kung Fu Panda Activity book and a (another) dinosaur book, and I knew he had something for me, I thought that it might have been my favourite chocolate, or a cd or something along those lines and low and behold he produced this...

Let me say I was indeed very, very, VERY surprised as Mr. J just really isn't a 'crafty brain' and for him to spend time actually thinking and then finding a gift like this really means alot to me... haha, he even said that he spent at least 20 mintues looking through the craft books because he just didn't know which one to pick because he simpily had no idea about them... He mentioned that he would have looked liked a theif or something because he was highly uncomfortable standing anywear near the sewing.kitting section, let alone browsing through them... I'm quite impressed!! (espeacially for someone that hates me knitting to much!!)

(Click the book if you want more information on it)

This is... what gives me goosebumps

I struggled to post that picture, but I this is what gives me goosebumps... I have a full on phobia of this little insects 'earwigs' and it developed when I was eleven years old and had to use the day before's newspaper for my homework. It was already out in the wood box so I went and grabbed it, sat on the couch and open it up to be met by about 20 of these little creatures crawling every which way...
Now, when ever I see on I go into hysterics, (not the screaming type) I can't move, speak, bearly breath and I have been known to actually be physically sick at times.
Who knew that such a little creature could cause so much fear... hehe now i won' want to come to my blog until I can't see that horrid picture above...

I hereby do solemnly swear...

I hereby do solemnly swear that I am not going to buy any more yarn until I have finish all of about 10 knitting projects unless the yarn is ridiculously cheap or I need another skein to finish off a CURRENT project (not a new one)... I am making this promise because I bought a whole bag full of the stuff today, (you know those kinda largish green re-usable bags from the supermarket..., yes one of those...) Yarn is starting to over run the place, I’m pretty sure that at the moment I could find a bit in every room of the house. I even started a new project tonight and then thought to myself right Keshia, STOP!! So lets see how I go... (oh and p.s, this rule does not apply to fabric well not at the moment anyway!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I should move...

Ok, I'm the first to admit it, the north-west coast of Tassie is FREEZING in winter!! (did you hear me?? I said FREEZING) I am not a cold kinda girl, I love hot, sticky heat, cairns type of heat and for the past month or more I have been running up the electricity bill trying to stimulate it... my butt has been glued to the heater and I sometimes even wear gloves inside, I 'm a sook and I know it, but I really do hate being cold!!

Anyway, on the cold topic, Charlie really does need some more pj's and I found some fantastic ones at Kmart the other day on sale for $10, but do you think he wants to wear them?? No, becuase they are fantastic blue with the wiggles on them instead of dinosaurs or (ok maybe I'm a little embarrased to admit...), but not his 'pink(ish)' dora the explorer ones... It is either Dora or Dinosaurs in this house at the moment and so much so if I'm not humming in my head "we did it, we did it we did it HORAY!', then I am roaring like a dinosaur... oh it was fun to start with but at the moment I 'Don't want to do it' and I'm all roared out!!

So anyway, back to the pj's, he needed some new ones because his dinosaur and dora ones don't fit any more so i raided my fabric stash and found this...

Oh, it is so, so, so soft, its a towelling material and I thought how glorious would it be to snuggle up in these...

I can't even remember buying this material, but oh well, problem solved, new pj's that have dinosaurs on them all done while Charlie is having his nap... There is still some left so i think I might just overlock and blanket stitch the edge and give it to him as a blanket for curling up on the couch with... or a pair of pj's for mummy!! (maybe)